Testimonials from Members

Fred Jackson: Gary, Indiana, USA (October 13, 2007)
Industry: Power Generation
Dear Faith,
Thank you for the excellent service and brilliant financial models.
When I came across your website I had just finished my ...Click here to read
Jonathan Levin: New York City, USA (November 05, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
I must start by saying that I think you guys have now setup a benchmark for Project Finance Modeling!
I am a Masters of Finance graduate and have been ...Click here to read
Pierre du Plessis: Cape Town, South Africa (November 05, 2007)
Industry: Project Finance Advosory
Dear Faith,
Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!
I guess that sums up my feelings and views about your financial models!
I'm a Business and Actuarial ...Click here to read
Gabriela Lopez: Florida, USA (November 16, 2007)
Industry: Construction (Power Distribution Infrastructure)
Dear Faith,
I basically think everyone who works in project finance or project-financed transactions owes it to herself/himself to
join at least one of your membership websites - it's amazing what one can learn about writing financial models the right
I am an Electrical Engineer with an ...Click here to read
Ben Evangelista: Montreal, Canada (November 25, 2007)
Industry: Power Generation
Dear Faith,
Thank you very much for the Power Station Financial Models and other financial modeling resources that you make available
to Members on the Membership website download page. In my company they have transformed me from being a novice modeler to
an expert modeler over a very short time.
I hold a PhD in ...Click here to read
Placido Falcon: Rome, Italy (November 27, 2007)
Industry: Power Generation & Distribution
Dear Faith,
For less than $100, your financial models delivered more value than a $5,000.00 one-day financial modeling course I
attended two months before I joined your Power Station Models Membership website!
I am a Masters of Finance and an ...Click here to read
Robert May: London, UK (December 03, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
I regard your website as thee authority website on Project Finance Modeling. I have watched your website over a period
of about 5 years climbing to the top of google.com for the keyword 'project finance'. Last time I checked only Euromoney's
Project Finance Magazine ranks higher than you for that keyword. So, even the mighty google therefore recognizes you guys
as an authority site on Project Finance!
I am a Certified Accountant with over 8 years ...Click here to read
Bruce Chen: Los Angeles, USA (December 05, 2007)
Industry: MBA Student (Masters Electrical Engineering)
Dear Faith,
Your financial models have made me more than ready for a job that requires financial modeling as a skill once I finish my
MBA. Actually, you guys secured me a job!
I hold a Masters degree in ...Click here to read
Roberto dos Santos: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (December 07, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
Thank you for such a great resource for everyone involved in Project Finance transactions. I have worked in project
finance for about 23 years. Your Project Finance Models website is the best Project Finance resource I have come across on
the Internet.
I hold a PhD in Power ...Click here to read
Mohamed Badrul: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (December 07, 2007)
Industry: Project Finance Advisory
Dear Faith,
Your website should be the primary destination for all professionals working in Project Finance.
I hold a Masters degree in Engineering and ...Click here to read
Mike Bromfield: El Paso, Texas, USA (December 10, 2007)
Industry: Oil & Gas Pipeline Operations
Dear Faith,
Your Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Model is the best Financial Model I have come across in my 18 years in this field.
I hold a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, a B.S. in Chemistry and an ...Click here to read
Nikita Pushkin: Moscow, Russia (December 11, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
Very professionally done financial models, just like those for Power Station Projects.
I am a Masters Graduate in Finance & Financial ...Click here to read
Benjamin Jeselowitz: New York City, USA (December 13, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
I think if there was a way - all financial modelers (newbies and experienced ones) have to be "forced" do adopt your Financial Model layout for all their models for their own good!
I say this because that's how impressed I've been by your models.
I have Masters in Mathematical Statistics & Actuarial Science, an ...Click here to read
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