Testimonials from Oil & Gas Members

Mike Bromfield: El Paso, Texas, USA (December 10, 2007)
Industry: Oil & Gas Pipeline Operations
Dear Faith,
Your Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Model is the best Financial Model I have come across in my 18 years in this field.
I hold a Masters Degree in Civil Engineering, a B.S. in Chemistry and an MBA. I have spent two years with a Construction
Company and then joined my current employer, an Oil & Gas Pipeline Operating Company, about 18 years ago. I head the
Projects Division of the Company. I work very closely with the Financial Modeling guys in my division, as it is something
I was doing before I was promoted to head the division.
I came across your website in July 2006 on your Finance & Investment Books website to which I am a subscriber. I purchased
Power Station Models Membership as at the time (2006) we were working as a Gas Supplier and a Co-Project Operator to a Closed
Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) Power Station here in Texas. When you launched the Oil & Gas Models Membership website I got free
access as you were giving Power Station Models Members who purchased membership by a certain date membership at no cost.
After downloading the Multiple Products Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Model I was really impressed with the layout - which is
similar to the layout of the Power Station Models. I am currently using the financial model in an Oil & Gas Pipeline Project
in West Africa in which we are currently doing a Pre-Feasibility Assessment for our client, a state utility.
I have been very impressed with the way you do Sensitivity Analysis - I have learnt from your model how to properly run
sensitivity analysis using Microsoft Excel's Scenario Manager. I have also learnt how to properly name cells which comes
very handy when the Scenario Manager generates the Scenario Summary table (no need to re-type the line items being
stress-tested by the sensitivity analysis) - this is very smart!
I am looking forward to downloading the "One-Model-Multiple-Scenarios" version once it's ready. This also sounds very
brilliant - I really can't wait to see how you do it.
I basically like everything about the way you setup your models - the Summary Sheet, Administration Sheet, Timeline Sheet,
Index (Table of Contents) Sheet - this lends a very professional layout to the financial model.
The way you setup your models makes it a breeze to update or adapt to a new transaction (project).
You have come up with a very useful Project Finance resource.
Kind Regards,
Mike Bromfield: El Paso, Texas, USA
Industry: Oil & Gas Operations
December 10, 2007
Click the Image Below to Go to Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Models Sales Page

Nikita Pushkin: Moscow, Russia (December 11, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
Very professionally done financial models, just like those for Power Station Projects.
I am a Masters Graduate in Finance & Financial Engineering. I have been in Investment Banking now for seven years - three
of those working for a USA International Investment Bank in London. I am currently based in our Moscow office as a Vice
President in the Project Finance division.
I first came across your website whilst I was attending a Euromoney Training Financial Modeling Course in 2003. Your
website was listed as a resource in a Resource document we were given by the Course Presenter. When you launched the Power
Station Models in 2006 I purchased Membership. In December 2007 I received free Membership of the Oil & Gas Models
Membership website.
I was very impressed by the Multiple Products Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Model, just like I was with the Power Station
Models. I am currently using the Pipeline Financial Model in the work I am currently doing for an Oil & Gas Utility - we
are acting as Project Finance Advisors.
My favorite thing about the Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Model is the way you go about preparing the model for Sensitivity
Analysis. In fact, I think this is the best way I've ever seen of using Microsoft Excel's Scenario Manager for Sensitivity
Analysis. The naming of cells in order to make the output of the Scenario Manager user friendly is really ingenious! It
really saves one from a lot of tedious 'manual labor'!
The way you also handle the IRR, Payback Period, and DSCR calculations is also very clever (I first saw that in the Power
Station Financial Models). I must admit that I learned for the first time from your models how to use the HLOOKUP function
- it used to confuse the hell out of me when I came across it in other people's models. How you combine it with the
Running IRR calculation makes the IRR calculation in the models very interactive. One can actually change the Project
Term without having to redo the IRR calculation. I think very few modelers know how to do it the way you do it!
I also like the way you setup your Assumptions Sheet, Administration Sheet, Timeline Sheet and the Summary Sheet. They
help a financial modeler to easily change the driving assumptions of the model and the transaction period. The Summary
Sheet makes it so easy to review models as it lists the key inputs and results in just one sheet - very neat! The Timeline
Sheet helps the Modeler change the Timeline in all relevant sheets of the model from just one place - what a time saver!
Keep up the good work - you are my best Project Finance Financial Models resource.
Best Regards,
Nikita Pushkin: Moscow, Russia
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
December 11, 2007
Click the Image Below to Go to Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Models Sales Page

Benjamin Jeselowitz: New York City, USA (December 13, 2007)
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
Dear Faith,
I think if there was a way - all financial modelers (newbies and experienced ones) have to be "forced" do adopt your
Financial Model layout for all their models for their own good!
I say this because that's how impressed I've been by your models.
I have Masters in Mathematical Statistics & Actuarial Science, an MBA, and a CFA. I have worked in Insurance for three
years and I have been with my current employer, and Investment Bank, for seven years. I work in the Project Finance
Division of the bank.
I was referred to your website by the previous head of the Project Finance division in 2005. I purchased the Power Station
Models Membership in June 2006, and was given free Membership to the Oil & Gas Models Membership website when it launched
in December 2007.
The Multiple Products Oil & Gas Financial Model has, like the Power Station Model, a very professional layout. I have an
Oil & Gas Pipeline Model that was given to me when I joined the bank - it really lacked a lot of things that are in your
financial model - for example, a Historical Volumes Sheet. I really think it's important to have this sheet as it shows
that the starting volumes are based on some researched historical volumes. The other weakness of my "old model" is that
the Assumptions Sheet is not as well structured as yours - which tends to lead to many input values in inappropriate sheets
of the financial model. This makes it very difficult to quickly update or completely change the assumptions. Sometimes
it leads to very time wasting "silly" errors. Your Model's Assumptions Sheet, Timeline Sheet, Administration Sheet have
been setup to make it very easy to update or change the model. The Summary Sheet gives a very helpful 'snap shot' of the
status of the model. This is also another sheet we never had in our models. It's a very handy sheet to have - you just
can't do without it once you see how useful it is!
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period and Debt Service Cover Ratio (DSCR) calculations are very smartly done.
It was the very first time I saw how the IRR calculation could be made to be interactive by combining HLOOKUP function and
the Running IRR. The "usual" way is for the IRR calculation cell to be updated every time the Project Period changes.
The way you do it makes this clumsy way of doing things looks really ridiculous!
I joined your Affiliate Program in 2006 - to date my total referral earnings from the program is $3,657.59 (total earnings
from about August 2006 to December 13, 2007)
I highly recommend your products to all Project Finance Financial Modelers (new and "old dogs" alike).
All the best in your business!
Benjamin Jeselowitz: New York City, USA
Industry: Investment Banking (Project Finance)
December 13, 2007
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