Conversion Factors (Oil, Gas, Power (Electricity))
NOTE: Scroll down the page for notes on abbreviations.
1 barrel |
= |
42 US gallons |
= 35 Imperial gallons |
1 long ton |
= |
1.016 metric tons |
1 ton crude oil |
= |
7.33 barrels |
1 ton crude oil |
= |
40 MMBTU |
1 million tons crude oil/year |
= |
20,000 barrels/day |
1 cubic meter |
= |
35.3 cubic feet |
1,000 MMCFD |
= |
10 BCM/yr |
1 cubic meter NG |
= |
36,000 BTU |
1 cubic foot NG |
= |
1,030 BTU |
1,000 MMCFD NG |
= |
7 million tons of LNG/yr |
1 ton LNG |
= |
15.5 barrels LNG |
= 9.53 barrels crude oil |
1 ton LNG |
= |
1,380 cubic meters of NG |
1 ton LNG |
= |
52 MMBTU |
1 kWh |
= |
3,412 BTU |
1 BTU |
= |
252 calories |
= 1,055 joules |
1 thermie |
= |
106 calories |
3,968.3 BTU |
1 therm |
= |
100,000 BTU |
1 Gwh of electricity:
- Uses approximately 250 tons of oil in an oil-fired conventional steam power plant.
- Uses approximately 390-400 tons of coal in a steam coal-fired power plant.
- Uses approximately 8,000 MCF of NG in a combined-cycle power plant.
- Tons or tonnes = metric tons
- BTU = British Thermal Unit
- MMBTU = million BTU
- Joule = a unit of energy (1 joule = 0.239 calories)
- Petajoules = 1015 joules
- NG = natural gas
- LNG = liquefied natural gas
- MCF = 1,000 cubic feet
- MMCFD = million cubic feet per day
- BCM = billion cubic meters
- kWh = kilowatt hour
- Gwh = gigawatt hour (1 Gwh = 1,000,000 kWh)

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