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APRIL 18, 2012

Please read all this Newsletter Message before you click on any link.
(Very Important Information please read all this)

Mobile Website Has A Mobi Domain

Mobi Domain Name for Our Mobile Site

Our Mobile Site now has a MOBI Domain Name.

So, our Mobile Site has a Shorter Domain Name that's easy to remember!

The Domain Name is:

At the TOP of each web page there is a LINKS MENU link (shaded yellow) which you click when you want to go to another web page of the website. This is the web page on which you FIRST land when visiting the Mobile Website.

There are also links at the TOP of each page to the Products pages - Power Models, Renewable Energy Models, Oil & Gas Models and Toll Road Models.

We have tested the website on these phones: Nokia E7, Blackberry Storm, iPhone 4, HTC Evo, Palm Pre and also on the Samsung Tablet, the Galaxy Tab 10.1 - it looks great on all of them! Please note that you can actually view the standard website on all Tablets (Galaxy Tab, iPad etc).

All we can say is this - the Mobile Website, from a usability point of view, looks and works MUCH BETTER than the standard website! Remember - you can also view the Mobile Website on your Laptop or Desktop Computer.

Visit the Mobile Website Here (Type this URL on your phone):

Oil & Gas Financial Models

Financial Models in Oil & Gas Models Membership Website

oil gas pipeline financial models box In the Oil & Gas Models Membership Site are TWO Multi-Products Petroleum Pipeline Financial Models.

One model uses Cubic Meters as Volume Units and Kilometers as Distance Units, WHILST the other uses Cubic Feet as Volume Units and Miles as Distance Units.

Each of these Financial Models has a Sensitivity Version.

So, there are FOUR MODELS in the Oil & Gas Membership Website.

The Oil & Gas Models Members (Purchasers) mostly come from the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Texas in the USA. There are also purchasers of these Models from countries other than those mentioned here.

BUY ONE GET TWO BONUS: Buy the Oil & Gas Membership and Get the Toll-Road Financial Models FREE.

[NOTE: Purchasers get a chance to download the Financial Models in the Toll Roads Membership Site - they don't get Membership. Purchasers are given 48 hours to download the Bonus Financial Models]

Visit the Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Models Product Page Here:

The Sales (Purchase) Page is Here:

(OR Click the Product Box Image)

Purchase Process: Financial Modeling Membership

Purchase Process Steps - Financial Modeling Membership Private Websites
For some potential purchasers of Membership the Purchase Process is not very clear.

Using the Power Station Models as an example, here is the process:

  1. When you place the Order for Power Station Models Membership you get TWO Coal Fired Power Station Financial Models for IMMEDIATE download.
  2. After your purchase, our payment processor, emails us the same invoice that you receive, informing us of your purchase.
  3. We then WAIT for a FRAUD CLEARANCE (FRAUD ALERT) email from our payment processor. This email basically tells us that the purchaser's order has been CLEARED for potential fraud and we can NOW email the purchaser the LOGIN Information. This is a STRICT RULE that our payment processor wants us to observe due to the high incidence of Fraudulent Online Purchases.
  4. We then create MANUALLY a Username, Password and the Login Website Link which we email to the purchaser so she/he can login to the Power Station Models Membership Website.
  5. The CCGT Model, Hydropower Model and Solar Power Model are available on the Downloads Web Page of the Membership Website. Also, the Two Coal Fired Power Station Models that you Download immediately after your purchase are also available for download on the Downloads Web Page.

We actually advise purchasers to REPLACE the Immediate Downloads Models with the ones in the Membership Area once they receive their Login information.

So, after making a purchase, DON'T PANIC - your Login Details are coming via Email after we have MANUALLY set up your Login Username and Password. We REPEAT - don't start UNNECESSARY PANIC and "SCARE" sending emails claiming that your Username and Password has not arrived! RELAX - your purchase has not been "eaten" by the "Online Goblin" (yet!). All payment processors we use (2CheckOut, ClickBank and Paypal) are VERY REPUTABLE. We have been using them for MORE THAN 10 YEARS! These companies, on average, make a sale some where around the world EVERY THREE SECONDS!

Books: Popular Books Categories

Book Categories that Are Visited Most on the Books Site

Project Finance Books

Top Project Finance Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Benjamin Esty.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Project Finance Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Renewable Energy Books

Top Renewable Energy Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Solar Energy International.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Renewable Energy Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Corporate Finance Books

Top Corporate Finance Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Aswath Damodaran.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Corporate Finance Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) Books

Top Mergers & Acquisitions Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Robert F. Bruner.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Mergers & Acquisitions Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Structured Finance Books

Top Structured Finance Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Janet M. Tavakoli.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Mergers & Acquisitions Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Financial Modeling Books

Top Financial Modeling Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Alastair Day.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Financial Modeling Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Risk Management Books

Top Risk Management Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like Emmett J. Vaughan and Therese M. Vaughan.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Risk Management Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Derivatives Books

Top Derivatives Books by Internationally Recognised Authors like John C. Hull.

We highly recommend that you check out these books.

Visit the Derivatives Books Page Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Purchase Sales Web Pages

Sales Web Pages - Purchase Membership to Financial Modeling Private Websites
Find listed below links to the Sales Web Pages of our Financial Modeling Products.

Read the Power Models Sales Copy Here:

Read the Oil & Gas Models Sales Copy Here:

Read the Manufacturing Enterprise Acquisition Sales Copy Here:

Username & Password

Free Resources for Subscribers
Some of the FREE information for Subscribers on the Project Finance Models website is password protected.

Here is the Username and Password to use to access such information:
Username: subscriber (all lower case)
Password: project-finance-models (all lower case)


Project Finance Models Blog
We have a blog on which we mainly post, weekly, project finance related news (Power, Oil & Gas etc)

The blog website address is:

Other Websites We Own

Other Websites We Own - Useful Resources

  1. Corporate Finance Models:

  2. Finance & Investment Books:

  3. Stock Market Trading Information:

  4. Golf Player Information Resources:

Facebook Page: Help Us Promote Our Facebook Page

Please VISIT and LIKE our FaceBook Page!

We have a Facebook Page - please help us promote it - just visit it and click the "Like" icon!

There isn't much info there yet BUT we are going to give it our best shot and see whether this "Facebook thing" really works!

Visit the Facebook Page Here:

Please remember to visit the website so that you don't miss out on new resources that have been added to the website.

We thank you again for your continued subscription to the Project Finance Models General Mailing List.

We hope you will continue to find useful information on this Mailing List emails and the Website.

Kind Regards,

Project Finance Models Team

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Do you stay outside of the USA and you have always wanted to buy US goods and have them Drop-Shipped in various destination across the globe?

If your problem has been that you don't have a US address - consider your problem solved!

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Top Selling Forex Signals Automated Software by Greg Stefaniak.

(OR Click Image)

power station financial models box
Power Station Financial Models - Financial Models Membership Website for Project Financed Power Station Transactions

(OR Click Image)

oil & gas pipeline financial models box
Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Models - Financial Models Membership Website for Project Oil & Gas Pipeline Transactions

(OR Click Image)

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Corporate Finance Models - Financial Models Membership Website for Corporate Financed Transactions (Mergers & Acquisitions etc).

(OR Click Image)

Master Trader eBook - Top Selling Stock Day Trading Guide from one of the most respected Wall Street Day Traders.

(OR Click Image)

The Dave Way - The Secret to Curing a Golf Slice The Dave Way - The Secret to Curing a Golf Slice.

(OR Click Image)

iPhone Apps iPhone Apps - How to make iPhone Apps with no Programming Experience.

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steve jobs posing with the apple ipod hi-fi Steve Jobs: His Life by Images through the Years - On our Stock Market Trading Information website we have a web page on the life of Stev Jobs. It's a listing, using images, of all the highlights of Steve Jobs life - as a Family man and as a Businessman.

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Project Finance Models


power station financial models
corporate finance models
Project Finance Financial Models