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SEPTEMBER 10, 2009

Please read all the information below before you click on any link.

Book: Modern Project Finance - A Casebook

Modern Project Finance: Case Studies

modern project finance by benjamin esty Modern Project Finance: A Casebook covers Case Studies of Major Project Financed transactions from around the world.

It's authored by acclaimed Harvard Professor, Benjamin Esty.

Professor Esty is regarded as one of the leading authorities on Project Finance, internationally.

We highly recommend this book.

Read a Brief Description Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Oil & Gas Conference - London

Financial Modelling in the Oil and Gas Industry. 11th November - 12th November 2009, Crowne Plaza Hotel, London.

SMi's second Financial Modelling in the Oil and Gas Industry conference will provide critical analysis and insight into modelling practices to guide senior decision makers as to the best approach for their organisation. Additionally the conference will include technical and practical sessions that will help develop invaluable modelling skills that all delegates can take away and apply to working projects.

With some of the key economic experts from across the industry offering their experiences and advice, this is an essential conference to help your organisations deal with the challenges the oil and gas industry face in the future.

For more Information Visit:

(OR Click Image)

Hydro Power Station Financial Model

The Hydro Power Station Financial Model About to be Launched - Check Sample Output Sheet.

The Hydro Power Station Financial Model is about to be uploaded to the Power Membership Website. It will therefore be available for Download by current and past members of our Power Station Models Membership Site.

We will then create a ONCE-OFF purchase website for those who are not members and are just interested in a Hydro Power Model.

It will be uploaded to the Membership Site on Tuesday, September 15, 2009.

Just to give you a "taste" of what to come - check the Output Sheet image of the Financial Model here:

Book: Energy & Emissions Markets

Energy & Emissions Markets

Emissions is today big business - hence we think everyone should have a space on her/his bookshelf for this book.

The book, "Energy & Emissions Markets", has been written by renowned energy market expert and commentator, Tom James, and best selling author, Peter C. Fusaro.

We highly recommend this book.

Read a Brief Description Here:

(OR Click the Book Image)

Purchase Process: Financial Modeling Membership

Purchase Process Steps - Financial Modeling Membership Private Websites
For some potential purchasers of Membership to the Power Station and Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Models the Purchase Process is not very clear.

Using the Power Station Models as an example, here is the process:

  1. When you place the Order for Power Station Models Membership you get TWO Coal Fired Power Station Financial Models for IMMEDIATE download.
  2. After your purchase, our payment processor, emails us the same invoice that you receive, informing us of your purchase.
  3. We then WAIT for a FRAUD CLEARANCE (FRAUD ALERT) email from our payment processor. This email basically tells us that the purchaser's order has been CLEARED for potential fraud and we can NOW email the purchaser the LOGIN Information. This is a STRICT RULE that our payment processor wants us to observe due to the high incidence of Fraudulent Online Purchases.
  4. We then create MANUALLY a Username, Password and the Login Website Link which we email to the purchaser so she/he can login to the Power Station Models Membership Website.
  5. The CCGT Model (third model) is available on the Downloads Web Page of the Membership Website. Also, the Two Coal Fired Power Station Models that you Download immediately after your purchase are also available for download on the Downloads Web Page.

We actually advise purchasers to REPLACE the Immediate Downloads Models with the ones in the Membership Area once they receive their Login information.

So, after making a purchase, DON'T PANIC - your Login Details are coming via Email after we have MANUALLY set up your Login Username and Password. We REPEAT - don't start UNNECESSARY PANIC and "SCARE" sending emails claiming that your Username and Password has not arrived! RELAX - your purchase has not been "eaten" by the "Online Goblin" (yet!). All payment processors we use (2CheckOut, ClickBank and Paypal) are VERY REPUTABLE. We have been using them for MORE THAN 10 YEARS! These companies, on average, make a sale some where around the world EVERY THREE SECONDS!

Purchase Sales Web Pages

Sales Web Pages - Purchase Membership to Financial Modeling Private Websites
Find listed below links to the Sales Web Pages of our Financial Modeling Products.

Read the Power Models Sales Copy Here:

Read the Oil & Gas Models Sales Copy Here:

Read the Manufacturing Enterprise Acquisition Sales Copy Here:

Interest Rate Equations

Very Useful Interest Rate Formulas
One of the most INCORRECTLY used Math of Finance Equations/Formulas are Interest Rate Equations!

Get them RIGHT EVERY TIME by visiting the web page on our website dedicated to Interest Rate Equations Here:

Username & Password

Free Resources for Subscribers
Some of the FREE information for Subscribers on the Project Finance Models website is password protected.

Here is the Username and Password to use to access such information:
Username: subscriber (all lower case)
Password: project-finance-models (all lower case)


Project Finance Models Blog
We have a blog on which we mainly post, weekly, project finance related news (Power, Oil & Gas etc)

The blog website address is:

Book Store Categories

Categories of the Finance & Investment Books Store
On our Finance and Investment Books website we have a Book Store that links directly to Amazon.

To make it easy for visitors of the website to locate books they are looking for we have setup a Book Store Categories web page. The various categories of the Book Store are listed on that web page. On clicking a Category link you are taken to a web page that lists Books that fall under that particular category.

Visit the Book Store Categories Web Page Here:

Categorized Books Menu

Top Books Listed by Categories
This is by far the best way to locate top books listed on the Finance & Investment Books website.

All Top Books are listed by categories on one page - just scroll down the page to see more books!

Visit the Categorized Books Page Here:

Amazon Textbooks Store

Textbooks Listed by Categories
amazon textbook store Are you a student or academic looking for a textbook on a particular subject?

Check the Amazon Textbook store - textbooks are categorized by subject area (Accounting, Architecture, Art History, ... , Engineering, ... , etc)

Visit Amazon Textbook Store Here:

(OR Click the Books Image)

Other Websites We Own

Other Websites We Own - Useful Resources

  1. Corporate Finance Models:

  2. Finance & Investment Books:

  3. Stock Market Trading Information:

  4. Golf Player Information Resources:

  5. Photography Information Resources:

  6. Pet Owner Information Portal:

Please remember to visit the website so that you don't miss out on new resources that have been added to the website.

We thank you again for your continued subscription to the Project Finance Models General Mailing List.

We hope you will continue to find useful information on this Mailing List emails and the Website.

Kind Regards,

Project Finance Models Team

P.S. Were you referred to this page by a friend/colleague? You can Subscribe to Our Mailing list here:

power station financial models box
Power Station Financial Models - Financial Models Membership Website for Project Financed Power Station Transactions

(Click Image)

oil & gas pipeline financial models box
Oil & Gas Pipeline Financial Models - Financial Models Membership Website for Project Oil & Gas Pipeline Transactions

(Click Image)

corporate finance financial models image
Corporate Finance Models - Financial Models Membership Website for Corporate Financed Transactions (Mergers & Acquisitions etc).

(Click Image)

Master Trader eBook - Top Selling Stock Day Trading Guide from one of the most respected Wall Street Day Traders.

(Click Image)

The Dave Way - The Secret to Curing a Golf Slice The Dave Way - The Secret to Curing a Golf Slice.

(Click Image)

Project Finance Models


power station financial models
corporate finance models
Project Finance Financial Models