Toll Road Financial Models
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic
toll roads paypoint sign
all light vehicles toll road sign
2 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
3 & 4 axle heavy vehicles toll road sign
5 and More Heavy Vehicles toll road sign
toll road traffic

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Affiliate Program Information

Dear Potential Affiliate,

From: 1st Analyst Information Services.

Become Our Partner - We help You All The Way!

Thank you for being interested in promoting our Financial Models Membership websites.

We believe this is one of the best affiliate programs you can get on the internet, not because we offer a 50% affiliate commission, but because of these very important points that we mention below.

Please read these differentiating points of our Affiliate Program carefully - they highlight some things that other affiliate program owners do to rob their affiliates of their deserved commissions. We also highlight things they should be doing but don't!

YOU HAVE YOUR OWN PROMOTION WEB PAGE AND SUBSCRIBER CAPTURE FORM - We provide you with your own product promotion page with your own subscriber capture form. Therefore, we allow you to build your own mailing list hosted on our own account. We upload an autoresponder email follow-up sequence that promotes the Power Stations Models package using links embedded with your affiliate info. This increases the chance of you making a sale to a subscriber by 50% to 100%.

Other product owners let you promote their main web page with their own subscriber capture form. If visitors you drive to the website subscribe to the website owner's website, they are lost to you as potential affiliate commission generators. They will buy the product directly from the owner less your affiliate link. That means NO AFFILIATE COMMISSION for you!

Our product sales page DOES NOT HAVE ANY E-MAIL CAPTURE FORM and therefore we don't crook our affiliates by stealing their traffic! We promote the website using a different web page to that used by affiliates!


PLEASE NOTE: Experienced affiliates who own websites are welcome to build their own web pages and e-mail capture forms to promote the membership website. Only those affiliates that join our Affiliates Mailing List will get a promotion page with an own mailing list capture form.

Initially, we intend limiting affiliate web pages with own e-mail capture form to the first 20 affiliates who join our program. Own forms will after that be allocated on performance (i.e. affiliates who miss the first 20 but make a significant number of sales will be allocated an own form).
Affiliates who make the top 20 but fail to make any sales over a three months period from the time they get allocated an own form, will lose the form to other affiliates (BUT won't lose the benefit of future sales emanating from subscribers who joined their mailing list).

WE DON'T USE A PRODUCT COVER BOX WITH OUR MAIN PRODUCT WEBSITE ADDRESS WRITTEN ACROSS IT - Many info product owners let their affiliates promote their main websites with their website's web address written across the cover boxes on that page. This is a "kiss of death" for whoever is trying to promote that product. What's going to stop the potential buyer of that product from going "directly" to the main product website?

Our product cover box also has our main website address written across its bottom BUT we use a modified version of the box on affiliates promotion pages (minus our main website address).

WE PROVIDE YOU WITH AFFILIATE PROMOTION MATERIAL BUT EXPLAIN ITS LIMITATIONS AND HOW TO MAKE IT MORE EFFECTIVE - We have been promoting affiliate websites for more than 5 years, and therefore we know the limitations of the promotion material provided by affiliate website owners.

This is actually a very intuitive thing to understand - if a product is being promoted by 1,000 affiliates and they are all using the same promotion material, how many do you think will make it to the top 10 of the Search Engines and Directories? The usually correct answer is NONE! This is because Search Engines and web Directories that matter hate duplicate content!

We show you the best ways to work around this limitation. Once you master these techniques you will leave your fellow affiliates in the dust!

THIS IS A UNIQUE TARGET MARKET - If you have promoted affiliates programs before, especially Internet Marketing products, you will have to realize that this is a very different target market! We show you how to promote our product to this market. We highlight things you must avoid at all cost, otherwise your promotion will be ruined and the value of our product compromised!

We show you the best ways to promote to this market online or offline.

We also provide you with the most popular searched keywords related to our target market. They are available in Microsoft Word and Excel downloadable formats. We monitor the keywords and update them from time to time.

We also provide you with the answer to the question - who's more likely to purchase from you - the visitor from the Pay Per Click search engines (e.g. Google Adwords) or your E-mail List subscribers? This right answer will help you avoid a big hole in your wallet!


Our product is promoted by the biggest Info-Products Affiliate Network on the Internet, ClickBank. ClickBank promotes info-products using thousands of registered affiliates.



ClickBank mails checks internationally!

To promote our product you must therefore be a registered affiliate of ClickBank. To register is FREE. Every time visitors to an info-products website with your affiliate link make a purchase, ClickBank credits you with an Affiliate Commission (in our case 50% on the purchase price). Once your commissions reach a certain level, e.g. US$100, ClickBank e-mails you a check. ClickBank cuts checks TWICE a month, on the 1st and 16th of the month (provided you have reached your pre-selected level e.g. US$100).

On joining ClickBank you choose a unique Username called a NICKNAME (must be 5 to 10 characters long). Your nickname could be any combination of letters, e.g. johnsmith.

The owners of Info-Products also have nicknames, called VENDOR NAME, e.g. pfmpower (in our case).

Info-Products from ClickBank have a standard Affiliate Link.

Link - Format 1:


Link - Format 2:

Using our example above the affiliate links look like this:

Link 1:

Link 2:

You can use any of these link formats. Link 1 is the latest format type and Link 2 the older format, but they both work.

In short here are the steps to follow to promoting our product:

  1. Register for FREE at ClickBank and get an Affiliate Nickname (e.g. johnsmith). Please note that a nickname can be anything, even your dog's name!

    Registration is a two-step process - After filling your personal details plus chosen Nickname, ClickBank sends a Verification Code to the e-mail address you supplied when registering. A browser window opens asking you to enter the code sent to your email address. Therefore, YOU MUST USE A COMPUTER WHERE YOU CAN ALSO EASILY ACCESS YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT OTHERWISE YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION!

    The verification code becomes your PASSWORD.

    Later you can change the password to something that makes sense to you.

    NOTE - ClickBank wants a complicated Password - Capitals plus Lower Case Letters plus Numerals plus Special Characters.

    Here are examples of password formats to use: Name1Name2##123456 like JohnSmith##123456

    Name1#Name2#123456 like John#Smith#123456

    Click Here To See The Image Of The Signup Form

    Click Here To Register At ClickBank

    N.B. Please Read The Rest Of This Page Before You Register.

  2. You can then replace johnsmith in the links above with your Clickbank Nickname and you are ready to promote our product.

Anyone with a ClickBank affiliate Nickname can promote our product without contacting us.


We ask you to contact us so that we can setup a promotion page that will tilt things in your favor. We will insert your ClickBank Nickname in links on the web page.

Please send us the following info:
  1. Your Names
  2. Your ClickBank Nickname
  3. Your Country
  4. State/Province (if any)
  5. City/Town
  6. Tell us whether you have any experience promoting Affiliate Programs (This will help us know what additional help to give you)

We will set up a web page you can use to start promoting our product PLUS a Cloaked Link (with your ClickBank Nickname) to the Power Station Financial Models Sales Page.

Send these details to this email address:

(Please send this information on the body of your email - do not send it as an attachment. We delete emails with attachments without reading them!)

We will also send you a Username and Password to the Affiliates Login Area, where you will be able to download Promotion Material, Popular Keyword Lists, Internet Marketing Related Information/Advice etc.

You can also download the Project Finance Models Affiliate Program Information eBook below so that you can read this information offline. Right Click link and choose "Save Target As" or "Save As":

pfd-iconProject Finance Models Affiliate Program Information eBook

We thank you for your time.

Wishing you the best!

1st Analyst Information Services Team



Click here or the image below to go to the Toll Road Financial Models Sales web page.

toll road models box


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